2021 Easter Message from the Moderator

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By Rt. Rev. Prof. Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante ( (Moderator, Presbyterian Church of Ghana)

Easter is perhaps the most important event on the Christian calendar. Both the authenticity of Jesus Christ and the redemption of all believers hang on this event called Easter. There are three major parts of this Easter event, namely, a) the passion of Christ which helps us to appreciate redemptive suffering, b) the death of our Lord Jesus Christ which seals our redemption and c) the resurrection which authenticates all the claims and activities of our Lord Jesus Christ and which gives us the power and hope to live in and beyond this world.

The passion of our Lord Jesus is celebrated from Monday to Thursday; we call this the Passion Week (actually this starts from Ash Wednesday). The death of Christ is celebrated on Friday which we call Good Friday, and the resurrection is celebrated on Sunday. This Sunday on which we remember the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is what we actually mean by the word Easter. In that case, the phrase Easter Sunday could be a tautology. Easter Sunday is so important to Christians that it changed the weekly calendar of the whole world, as we begin each week with Sunday.

Jesus came into this world doing good to everyone, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, delivering people from evil spirits and oppression, healing all manner of diseases, and even sometimes raising the dead. Yet he was betrayed by one of his own disciples, handed over for crucifixion by religious authorities of his day, and finally sentenced and crucified by the political authorities of his day.

However, death could not contain our Lord Jesus Christ.So, on the third day, He rose from the dead and is alive forever.

Easter is perhaps the most important event on the Christian calendar. Both the authenticity of Jesus Christ and the redemption of all believers hang on this event called Easter.

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